Self Care Day Routine: 10 Tips for Your Perfect Mental Health Day

self care day routine

Self Care Day Routine

How often do we forget to give ourselves the time to truly relax and care for ourselves, just as we do for others? Think of planning your self care day routine as if you were organizing a vacation for yourself. It doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Here are some tips to help you get started on creating a rejuvenating self care day routine!

Tip #1: Plan Ahead

Before diving into this blog post, let's tackle the most obvious and perhaps biggest challenge: logistics (I know. I know. It’s a bit of a hassle, but essential for you!) If you're like me, you probably appreciate having a clear outline for your self care day routine. While this post focuses on creating a mental health day, consider asking yourself, “How long would I like to take off? A half-day, a full day, or a few days?” If you have responsibilities at home, school, or work, be sure to inform those who depend on you about your availability and return time.

Tip #2: Self Care Kit

Consider building a unique self-care kit that includes items like your favorite book, snacks, essential oils, or anything that brings you comfort. Having these items ready can make your self-care day even more personalized and enjoyable.

Reflection Questions:

  • What does a self care day routine look like to you? 

  • If you have never taken one or it’s been some time since you had time off, think about how you would like to feel on that day? Relaxed? Rejuvenated? (insert other emotions here) 

  • Is there one thing that you have always wanted to do, but it seemed to be out of reach? 

self care day routine
self care day routine

Tip #3: Engaging in the Arts 

Remember those days in school when you engaged in arts and crafts, dance, or music? Reflect on how those creative activities made you feel and think about incorporating similar activities into your self care day routine. Whether it’s painting, dancing, or playing a musical instrument, reconnecting with these creative outlets can be a joyful and fulfilling way to enrich your self care day routine. Explore what brings you happiness and relaxation, and make time for those activities as part of your mental health day.

  • Paint and Sip 

  • Pottery class 

  • Spray painting 

  • Rug weaving 

  • Drawing 

  • Photography

  • Dance class (i.e., Latin, Hip-Hop, Ballet, etc.) You can also find free classes on Youtube!

  • Pole dancing 

  • Learn how to play a musical instrument (i.e., harmonica, ukulele, keyboard, drums, guitar, etc.)

  • Paint by numbers 

  • Put a LEGO set together 

  • Color from a coloring page or mandala 

  • Make a collage/vision board with newspaper or magazine clippings 

  • Cooking class 

  • Singing karaoke 

  • Flower arranging

  • Bake or cook your favorite thing to eat 

  • Listening to music/creating a mental health day playlist 

  • Yoga 

self care day routine

Tip #4: Engage in Your Child-Like Wonder 

Kids are incredibly present with their surroundings and naturally curious about how things work. They find joy in simple, playful activities that often become cherished memories. As part of your self care day routine, consider revisiting a favorite childhood activity or exploring what you find fun. Whether it’s playing a sport you loved, visiting a park, or trying out a new hobby, reconnecting with these joyful experiences can bring a sense of nostalgia and happiness to your self care day routine. Embrace these playful moments as a way to nurture yourself and enhance your mental well-being.

  • Noticing your breath for a few minutes 

  • Playing a sport (either you know how to play or wanted to learn) 

  • Going to the park or an outdoor jungle gym (i.e. The Forge: Lemont Quarries, Sky High Sports) 

  • Arcade 

  • Go-karts 

  • Rock-climbing 

  • Going to a museum (Check out your favorite museums for free days.)

  • Go on a bike ride 

  • Explore a new area you’ve never been to before 

  • Try a new type of food or cuisine that’s been on your bucket list 

  • Going to the library and read a book on a topic you’ve wanted to learn more about 

  • Go to the zoo or aquarium (alternatively, go to a local animal shelter or pet store) 

  • Gardening 

  • Axe-throwing 

  • Knife-skills class 

  • Walk along the lakefront 

  • Attending a sporting event 

  • Watching the clouds 

  • Re-watching one of your favorite movies 

  • Putting together a new outfit from your closet 

  • Schedule a game night 

  • Set up a tea party for yourself with all of your favorite foods 

  • Leave your phone for one hour and re-learning how to be bored 

  • Playing with Play-Doh/modeling clay

Tip #5: Mindfulness Check-Ins

Set a timer every couple of hours to pause, take three deep breaths, and check in with how you're feeling. These small moments of mindfulness can help you stay grounded and present throughout your self-care day.

self care day routine

Tip #6: Make AND Attend an Important Health Appointment (Personal Grooming is also included) 

How often have you been putting off going to the doctor's, maybe telling yourself, “Oh, if I have time for this, I’ll go…”, but then it’s days, weeks, and maybe months later that your body is acting up and now it’s serious? Is it just me? Also, getting a haircut is included in this as well. I know I’m guilty of putting it off too. So do yourself a favor and to make the most of your self care day routine, take a few minutes right now (Yes, now. Put a timer on for 10 minutes) and make that important appointment for your health. Integrating these tasks into your self care day routine not only helps you maintain your health but also allows you to fully enjoy and benefit from your dedicated time for self-care.

Tip #7: Tech-Free Time

Set your out-of-office emails and “Do Not Disturb” on your phone to remind others that you will be unavailable so that you are not distracted by the notifications. This may be a tough habit to break, especially if you are usually checking your phone for emails, messages, social media, etc. and making sure everyone is taken care of. If you notice an urge to check your phone, notice it and then set a timer for 10 minutes to dedicate a part of your self-care day to being completely tech-free. Once the 10 minutes are up, check in with your body and how your mind feels. Whether you spend this time journaling, reading, or simply enjoying a cup of tea, disconnecting from screens can help you reconnect with yourself.

self care day routine

Tip #8: Adulting and Giving Back 

You might be someone who constantly gives and gives to others, often neglecting to invest in yourself. It may seem counterintuitive to suggest that you should "give back" as part of your self care day routine, but it's important to remember that giving back can also mean taking time to nurture yourself. This could involve volunteering at local shelters, engaging in activities that fulfill you, or finding tangible ways to care for your own well-being.

Incorporating these acts of self-care into your self care day routine can help you recharge and ensure that you’re not just giving to others, but also to yourself. Your future self will thank you for making self-care a priority. Consider inviting a friend or family member to join you for part of your self-care day, like taking a walk together or attending a class. Sharing these moments can enhance your sense of connection and support.

  • Volunteering at a local place of your choice (i.e., animal shelter, nursing home, soup kitchen, etc.) 

  • Cooking your favorite meal 

  • Scheduling recurring time off (i.e. weekly, monthly, quarterly)

  • Listen to a guided meditation 

  • Learn about a new religion or dive deeper into your own spirituality 

  • Create a life bucket list 

  • Embracing silence for one minute at a time 

  • Create or set-up a financial plan/sinking fund 

  • Plan a trip itinerary of where you would like to go 

  • Solo date night 

  • Journal and/or brain dump 

  • Apply for one new job 

  • Update your resume 

  • Finding a new hobby 

  • Create a date night bucket list 

  • Focus on one area to stretch your body 

  • 5 minutes to tidy one area in your home 

  • Research a skincare routine that works for your skin type 

  • Create a meal plan with healthy alternatives

Tip #9: Reflect and Plan Ahead

At the end of your self-care day, take a few minutes to reflect on your experience. This can be making a note on your phone with a reminder, a journal entry, an email sent to you, scheduling your next self care day in your calendar, etc.

  • How did you feel about slowing down and taking time for yourself?

  • What activities did you enjoy the most?

  • What were the ones that you found were the most challenging?

  • What would you change for next time? Spending more time with one area or less in another?

Tip #10: Take the Next Step Towards Your Mental Well-Being

Now that you’ve explored how to create the perfect self-care day routine, why not schedule one for yourself? Set a date, start planning your activities, and commit to prioritizing your mental health. If you found this guide helpful, share it with a friend who could use a self-care day too! And if you’re looking for more personalized guidance on your mental health journey, feel free to reach out and schedule a session with me. Let’s work together to create lasting change in your life.

self care day routine

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